Thank you for everyone who attended! For those of you that missed it or want more information below is the replay and slides from the meeting. Our next meeting will be somewhere in middle 2023, so please stay tuned. If you wish to present or have ideas for topics please reach out and let us know.
WAIUG Part 1 – Welcome and Doing Storage Better by Art Kagel
Replay on YouTube:
Welcome by Thomas Beebe and Doing Storage Better – Exploring the best and worst options by Art Kagel
WAIUG Part 2 – Informix HQ by Shubham Kapoor
Replay on YouTube:
WAIUG Part 3 – Explaining Explain Plans by Mike Walker
Replay on YouTube:
Query execution plans are the best tool to give a detailed insight into exactly how a query is being run by Informix. They are the first stop when trying to understand just why a query is running slower than expected.
In this presentation, Mike Walker will show how to obtain a query plan and how to interpret it.
He will also describe what he looks for in the plan that shows where their tuning opportunities are hiding.
WAIUG Part 4 – Conclusion, Oracle Style Global Temp Tables by Art Kagel and Informix Certification by Rhonda Hackenburg
Replay on YouTube:
Extra presentation by Art Kagel on Oracle Style Global Temp Tables. Informix Certification by Rhonda Hackenburg and Meeting Conclusion by Thomas Beebe
Thank you again to the support of the IIUG for making this happen.
The next IIUG Tech Talk will be Feb 2nd:
Informix Sysmaster Database Queries for monitoring and performance tuning by Lester Knutsen