Washington Area Informix Users Group – About Us

The Washington Area Informix User Group (WAIUG) is an organization for users of IBM Informix database software and tools. The group primarily serves the Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland areas, but also has members from all over the USA. Our activities include regular meetings, a newsletter, and a Web page. We have also held very exciting local one-day Forums since 1993, with over 200 members attending seminars and exhibits on new products and developments related to Informix. The WAIUG is incorporated as a not-for-profit organization and managed by a volunteer board of directors.

The WAIUG was started in May 1991. Nineteen people from various companies and federal agencies met to hear about Informix release 5.0 and make plans for a user group. At that meeting we identified the goals of the user group as to share information, learn about new products, provide technical input, discuss problems, share solutions, and network with other Informix users. Our first newsletter was sent out in June 1991. Since that time, our mailing list has grown to over 1,200 names.

Informix User Group Activities

  • Meetings: The Washington Area Informix User Group (WAIUG) holds meetings alternating between sites in the District, Maryland, and Virginia. The focus of the meetings is to share information about new products, present solutions to problems, and provide technical tips to Informix programmers, system designers and database administrators. We feature guest speakers on topics of interest to Informix users. Meetings usually last from 9 am to 12 noon and are open to all Informix users. Please check our web page for the current schedule.
  • One Day Forums and Training Days: The WAIUG has held four one day Technical Forums. The past Forums have averaged over 200 participants, with excellent speakers and exhibitors. Members report this is the most-anticipated and most practical user group event of the year. The forums have included technical sessions on Optimizing INFORMIX-4GL, INFORMIX-OnLine DSA Tuning, 4GL to NewEra Migration, NewEra Implementation, and INFORMIX-OnLine 8.0 New Features. The Forum also features a mini-exposition hall with exhibitors of products that work with Informix. This is a great oppurtinuity to network with other database developers, administrators, and users, and learn the newest technology to get the most from your database systems.
  • Web Page – www.waiug.org: In August 1995, we launched a Web Page for the Washington Area Informix User Group. The purpose of this page is to be able to provide the latest information to our members and the public on user group activities and tips on using Informix software. We converted all our newsletters from the past three years to web documents and they are available for on-line viewing. This is the place to find the latest news about our meetings, future plans, links to other Informix-related material and catch up on back issues of our newsletter. We have a link to the Informix FAQ, and will be adding links to other Informix resources on the net.
  • International Informix User Group: The WAIUG has been an active participant in the formation of the International Informix User Group (IIUG). All local members are automatically members of the international organization. The mission of IIUG is to support Informix users worldwide. The IIUG maintains a web site of information and technical tips for Informix users, and an ftp site of public domain software that works with Informix databases. For more information on the IIUG, visit the web page at www.iiug.org.

Coordinating Committee

The WAIUG is managed by a coordinating committee composed of volunteers who plan our activities and work hard at putting them together. The current officers are listed below. If you are interested in volunteering to work with the committee, please contact any one of the directors below.

Board of Directors 2013-2014:

  • President: James Edmiston
  • Vice-President: Tom Beebe

At-large Board Members:

  • Bob Carts
  • Warren Donovan
  • Lynn Kaltwasser
  • Lester Knutsen
  • Thomas Smith
  • Peter Wage

IBM Informix Representatives:

  • Warren Heising
  • Michael Moody


For more information about the Washington Area Informix Users Group contact:

Email: waiug@waiug.org
Washington Area Informix Users Group
4216 Evergreen Lane, Suite 126, Annandale, VA 22003