Washington Area Informix Users Group

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Washington Area Informix User Group

Presentations from our Forums and Training Days

Forums are 1 to 2 day events with techinical presentations, exhibits and industry leading keynote speakers for DBAs,  database application developers and designers, and project managers.

User Forum 2005

Moving Forward With Informix

A Two-Day User Group Technical Conference
December 8-9, 2005, Atlanta, Georgia USA

I have been putting together the Washington Area Informix Users Group Forums since 1994 and this was the best event we have done to date. Our user group teamed up with the Southeast Informix Users Group, based in Atlanta, GA, to present this user group technical conference.  The Home Depot was the sponsor and hosted the event at their facility. We had over 170 participants, from 8 countries, and 30 states in the US.  There were 14 sponsors with products for the Informix user community.  There were 32 technical presentations, by speakers who are Informix developers from IBM and DBA users from around the world.  The message was very clear from IBM that Informix is a critical product and will continue to have a great future.  The message from the users attending was also very clear, no other product does the job of Informix and we are loyal to what works. - Lester Knutsen

The presentations from the Informix User Group Forum 2005 in Atlanta, GA

The presentations from Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 2004

Solutions For IBM Informix and DB2 Users
A One-Day User Group Technical Conference

The Washington DC Area Informix Users Group (WAIUG) held the 6th user group technical conference: WAIUG Forum 2004 on Wednesday April 21, 2004. For more information, presentations and pictures...


The presentations from Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 2002

Solutions For IBM Informix Users - A Two Day User Group Technical Conference


The presentations from Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 2000

Solutions For IBM Informix Users - A Two Day User Group Technical Conference

The First Forums and Training Days

Forums are 1 to 2 day events with techinical presentations, exhibits and industry leading keynote speakers for DBAs,  database application developers and designers, and project managers. Training Days are one day in-depth techinical training sessions for DBA's and application developers.