Category Archives: IBM Presentation

WAIUG Meeting April 5-6 2017 – Informix Roadshow with Carlton Doe

Save the date!  The IBM Informix Roadshow is coming to DC. Join the WAIUG at it for free, Apr 5-6 2017.

Carlton Doe, with IBM, is traveling through North America presenting his Informix Roadshow.  It just so happens he will be traveling to Washington D.C. about the same time we were planning our meeting. Join Carlton as he presents a deep dive into the features of Informix 12.10.xC6, xC7 and the newly released xC8.

There is also a second session on April 6th as part of the Roadshow event,  This session will focus in IoT infrastructure with an opportunity for some hands-on work.

For more information about either of these events and to register please use the following IBM developersWorks link:

Don’t miss this opportunity to attend the April WAIUG with Carlton Doe as he shares the latest technologies being used to solve customer problems.

Refreshments will be provided both days, starting with a light breakfast at 8:30 am and lunch following the meeting.

IBM TEC Center
8401 Greensboro Drive, Suite 120
McLean, VA 22102

***Parking at the IBM TEC center parking garage costs $10.
– The Spring Hill Metro Station on the new Silver Line is 2 blocks away (about a 5-10 minute walk) from the IBM TEC center.

Registration for the roadshow:

Registration for the IoT hands-on session:

Informix 12.10 Roadshow

A free day-and-a-half, technical event by IBM for Informix Users, designed to give you insight into the proven IBM® Informix® technology that solves some of the toughest business problems in the world today. This roadshow is designed to help you understand the many new features and enhancements in the Informix 12.1 product — the beginning of the next decade of Informix technology!

A partial agenda includes:

  • Enhancements to Informix Warehouse Accelerator
  • New functionality for ER and H/A clusters
  • Increased autonomic administration capabilities
  • New SQL functionality including OLAP queries
  • New features and performance with Informix TimeSeries
  • New backup/recovery technology
  • Expanded compression and associated features
  • The Informix Hypervisor Edition
  • and More!!!

Each day will begin at 9:00 A.M. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on the first day. On the second day, only breakfast since class will be over before noon.

Washington Area Informix User Group TimeSeries Hands on Lab

The last Washington Area Informix User Group event was a one-day Hands on Lab on the Informix TimeSeries technology that is being used in the IBM Smarter Planet initiative with Metering Data and Smart Grid.

Informix is a market leader in the integration of what are called “extensibility” features that enable the database architect to natively create, store, and manipulate complex User-Defined Data Types (UDTs) with User-Defined Routines (UDRs) as though they were built-in data types in the database engine. With this capability, Informix can solve very complex problems with simple SQL statements. As a result, Informix is the perfect database engine to help create a Smarter Planet.

This lab will expose participants to one of these extensibility features — the Informix TimeSeries technology. A “time series” is any set of data that is accessed in sequence by time and can be processed and analyzed in a chronological order. Informix TimeSeries can be used in financial, scientific, utility, manufacturing, and other industries where data is captured over time and needs to be analyzed quickly and easily. Informix introduced some enhancements in the Informix 11.70.xC3 release and this lab will be based on that release.

In this Proof of Technology, participants will get hands-on with Informix TimeSeries technology to create and use regular and irregular times series, containers, calendars and more. Data will be loaded using Informix TimeSeries Virtual Tables and a bulk load routine. The student will use several Informix TimeSeries functions to hide/reveal data, perform complex calculations and more. Finally, participants will use an application that combines Informix TimeSeries and Informix Spatial technology to track vehicle movement as well as location and condition exceptions within a vehicle fleet.

User Group 2011 Technical Roadshow

Date – December 1 and 2, 2011 9:00am – 5:00pm
Location – IBM, 600 14th St NW, Washington DC

Folks, we had a great User Group meeting and lab by Scott Pickett, IBM Informix Worldwide Technical Sales lead. He lead us through the presentations and hands on labs on the new features in Informix 11.70. This was a great opportunity to try out the new version and learn the latest features.

Link to Download the Presentations

FREE Technical Training and Information for Informix Users

What is the Informix Technical Roadshow? The 2011 Informix Technical Roadshow is a two-day, deep-dive technical event that gives you hands-on experience with the latest IBM® Informix® releases and Informix Warehousing technology. This roadshow is designed to help you gain fresh, innovative ideas for optimizing your business performance and creative competitive advantage – and it is absolutely free to attend these events.

The Roadshow topics include:

  • Latest features of IDS 11.70 Flexible Grid
  • Technology Storage Provisioning
  • Time Series
  • Smart Metering
  • Informix Warehouse Accelerator Autonomics

Informix Tech Day was held on Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We had an exciting deep dive into Informix 11.70 on November 9, 2010 by John Miller III, STSM, Embedability Architect from IBM. Art Kagel and Lester Knutsen shared the results of their hands on tests with the beta pre-release of Informix 11.70, and its great performance improvements.

Agenda: (Link to PDF Flyer)