Monthly Archives: November 2016

WAIUG Meeting Dec 1st 2016

Save the date!  Mark your calendars and join us for the next meeting of the  Washington  Area Informix Users Group (WAIUG).

Thursday, Dec 1st 2016 from  8:30 am – Noon.

This meeting has two great topics presented by two of your favorite speakers: Lester Knutsen and Art Kagel:

The IIUG Repository and What You Can Find There
Art Kagel will discuss the  IIUG Repository and the utilities you can find there. He will also share information regarding his own utility repository and show you how to take advantage of what you find there.

Link To Presentation

Using SQL to Generate SQL for Administrating an Informix Database Server
Join Lester Knutsen as he shares his tips and tricks for using SQL to generate SQL scripts and KSH scripts to perform certain repetitive DBA functions.  He will show examples of SQL scripts, generating scripts to grant or revoke privileges, alter table attributes table, replicate dbspace, chunk and server configuration setting.

Link To Presentation

Informix In The Cloud
Shawn Moe and Nicholas Geib discuss the new Informix in the cloud offering. The presentation can be found at:

Don’t miss your opportunity to attend the Dec WAIUG and pick up some useful information that you can use to enhance your business.

Here are the usual details regarding our meeting…

Refreshments will be provided, starting with a light breakfast at 8:00 am.

IBM TEC Center
8401 Greensboro Drive, Suite 120
McLean, VA 22102

***Parking at the IBM TEC center parking garage costs $10.
– The Spring Hill Metro Station on the new Silver Line is 2 blocks away (about a 5-10 minute walk) from the IBM TEC center.


We hope to see you December 1st.