Monthly Archives: June 2016

Next WAIUG Meeting Aug 2nd 2016

Save the date!  Mark your calendars and join us for the next meeting of the  Washington Area Informix Users Group (WAIUG).

Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from  8:30 am – Noon.

Carlton Doe – Informix Sharding and NoSQL.
The session will provide a brief introduction to Informix’s sharding technology and how it can be used on native NoSQL collections as well as SQL tables. The impact sharding has on queries is explored and solutions presented. Although sharding is typically not needed within Informix for scalability and performance, it is included as part of the compatibility matrix with NoSQL engines, enabling applications to seamlessly transition from lower- functionality engines to Informix.

Carton Doe – Enterprise Replication
The session will be brand new material covering ER and Grid.

Here are the usual details regarding our meeting…

Refreshments will be provided, starting with a light breakfast at 8:00 am, and lunch following the meeting.

IBM TEC Center
8401 Greensboro Drive, Suite 120
McLean, VA 22102

***Parking at the IBM TEC center parking garage costs $10.
– The Spring Hill Metro Station on the new Silver Line is 2 blocks away (about a 5-10 minute walk) from the IBM TEC center.

We hope to see you August 2.