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Managing Informix Dynamic Server using the Informix Enterprise Command Center


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Table of Contents

Managing Informix Dynamic Server using the Informix Enterprise Command Center 

Informix Enterprise Command Center (IECC) 

Rational Object manager 2.1 

Download ROM 2.1  

Informix Enterprise Command Center 

Goals of Performance Tuning 

Using the IECC to access the Sysmaster database  

What is the sysmaster database? 

What is the sysmaster database? 

Sysmaster database contains: 

SQL access to server information 

Key Tables in the Sysmaster Database 

Example SQL: dbwho.sql 

Dbwho shell script 

Performance of queries on sysmaster database 

Differences from other databases  

Isolation level is Dirty Read 

Using Triggers and Stored Procedures 

Sysmaster database may change 

Server configuration and statistics tables: 

Sysconfig (onstat -c) 

What is the current server configuration? 

SQL output 

Sysdri (onstat -g dri) 

Syslogs (onstat -l) 

What is the status of the logical logs? 

SQL output 

Sysprofile (onstat -p) 

What are some of the key server statistics? 

SQL output 

What percent of I/O is from buffers? 

SQL output 

Sysprofile values 

Sysvpprof (onstat -g) 

What is the status of the virtual processors? 

SQL output 

Dbspace & chunk tables: 

Sysdbspaces (onstat -d) 

Syschunks (onstat -d) 

Syschunks (continued) 

Syschkio (onstat -D) 


How much dbspace is free? 

SQL output 

How much blobspace is free? 

SQL output 

Where are blocks of free dbspace? 

SQL output 

What chunks have the most I/O? 

SQL output 

What is the status of chunks? 

SQL output 

Database & table information tables: 



Sysextents (oncheck -pe) 


Sysptprof (continued) 


Systabinfo* (continued) 

What databases are on the server? 

SQL output 

What tables have extents? 

SQL output 

How calculate new extent sizes?  

SQL output 

What tables have the most I/O? 

SQL output  

User session information tables: 

Syssessions (onstat -g ses) 

Syssessions (continued) 

Syssesprof (onstat -g ses) 

Syssesprof (continued) 

Syslocks (onstat -k) 

Syslocks (continued) 


List all Active Sessions 

List Users Waiting on Resources 

Monitor Resource Usage by User 

Display all Locks using Base Sysmaster Tables (1 of 2) 

Display all Locks (2 of 2) 

Some Undocumented Extras... 

Display Transactions and Logs  

Display Transactions and Logs (1 of 3) 

Display Transactions and Logs (2 of 3) 

Display Transactions and Logs (3 of 3) 

Display Transactions and Logs SQL Output 

Display Current SQL 

Current SQL Output 


Contact information:

Author: Lester Knutsen 


Home Page: 

Other information: 
Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 98 Presentation