Indexing Strategies: B+ Trees
Indexing Strategies: Types of Indexes
Indexing Strategies: Leading Portion of an Index
Indexing Strategies: Guidelines
Indexing Strategies: Benefits vs. Cost
Types of Table Scans
Index Scans: Upper and Lower Index Filters
Index Scans: Key-Only
Index Scans: Key-First
Any Questions?
Joining Tables
Joining Tables: Join Methods
Join Methods: Sort Merge Join
Join Methods: Nested Loop Join
Joining Tables: Table Order
Joining Tables: Table Order Who Cares?
Joining Tables: Table Order What is the best order?
Joining Tables: Table Order What affects the join order?
Optimizer Directives
Optimizer Directives: Syntax
Types of Directives
Types of Directives: Access Methods
Types of Directives: Join Order
Types of Directives: Join Methods
Directives Examples: ORDERED
Directives Examples : INDEX
Directives Examples : INDEX (cont.)
Directives Examples : Errors
Correlated Sub-Queries
Correlated Sub-Queries What are they?
Correlated Sub-Queries What’s wrong with them?
Correlated Sub-queries
Correlated Sub-queries: Normal CSQ
Correlated Sub-queries: Rewritten CSQ
Correlated Sub-queries: CSQ Flattening
Correlated Sub-queries: Predicate Promotion in CSQs
Correlated Sub-Queries: First Row/Semi-Join
Correlated Sub-Queries: Skip Duplicate
Email: kfenn@worldnet.att.net
Home Page: www.iiug.org/~waiug/
Other information: Washington Area Informix User Group Forum 98 Presentation